—— 师资力量 ——
Robson Stanley Clifford
教学风格: 幽默 ,课堂活跃
善于提升: 实用英语
I am from Cape Town in South Africa. I have lived in China since 2005. I enjoy teaching English to people of different ages and from different backgrounds.
Candice 魏星
教学风格: 灵活生动,专业细致
善于提升: 日常口语,海外考试
Hey guys, my name is Candice. Im a Local Teacher and I have TESOL certification and Teaching certificate for senior high school. Ive been teaching English for 5 years, and I really enjoy it. All I wanna do is to help you improve English proficiency. So if you have any questions, just feel free to ask me.
In addition, I like traveling around and watching movies, if there is a chance, we can go together! Im really glad to see you here and I hope that with our efforts, you will have a lot of fun and make great progress at Meten!
【培训对象】 年龄在14周岁以上,有无英语基础的人士均可报名
【开设班次】 全年滚动开班(随到随学)
【开课时间】 每天9:00—21点随时可以在中心学习
【培训费用】 课程收费:详询
【课程周期】 美联通用英语有六个级别 不同级别的学习时间不一定
1.不超过4人的小班授课 ,不超过4人的个性化外教小班,针对学员真实水平的授课。
2. 置身海外的教学环境 :一个纯正的英文环境,全英文的教学氛围,不用跨洋过海就能享受到真实的英语。
3 个性化的课程设置 :科学测定水平级别,选择适合自己水平的课程,依据自己的学习需求与特点,精心设计个人学习内容。
4、 全球知名的多媒体课程 :为母语非英语的人士量身定做的专业多媒体实境课程,加拿大超过60%的公立英语培训课程的首选课程,为英国政府移民项目提供全部的英文培训支持。
5、精英社交俱乐部 :全英文社交俱乐部,由外籍人士组织,各类聚会、踏青、购物等实境活动,在真实生活中感受西方文化,学以致用。
疯狂口语要素精选 17
1. I hope I didn t offend you.
还有一个短语no offense: 无意冒犯。不知道大家有没有这样一种感觉,越是别人说这句,你就觉得是一种冒犯,虽然对方说了不是故意而为之,但还是有种很不舒服的感觉,呵呵~~正如一部电影里所说:Why do people always say "no offense" when they do offend you?为什么人们冒犯你的时候总是说“无意冒犯”?
2. It won t take much time.
take up: 拿起,开始,从事。
例:She took up the narrative where John had left off. 她接着讲约翰未讲完的故事。
take on:承担,呈现,接受。
例:He is unwilling to take on heavy responsibilities. 他不愿承担重任。
take in:吸收,理解,欺骗。
例:I was taken in by the salesman-the car turned out to be uneconomical and unreliable.推销员骗了我——那辆车结果既不经济又不牢靠。
take off:起飞,取消,脱下。
例:The show had to be taken off because of poor audiences. 因观众太少而取消演出。
3. It s been a long time.
更普遍的说法是Long time no see. 不过一开始这个说法是不正确的,后来才被大家逐渐接受的。
4. It s nothing.
“小菜一碟”大家都会吧?!a piece of cake.
5. It s incredible.
6. It s hard to say.