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Phil 姚芳菲

教学风格: 风趣幽默,非常耐心

善于提升: 语法基础,日常口语

 Hello everyone, I am your beloved teacher Phil. I am really happy to be here and to be with you guys, and I really enjoy the time we spend together in the class. I hope I could help youwith your English study. Keep going!



Haman 周志林

教学风格: 激情幽默,生动有趣

善于提升: 美语语音,旅游英语

  Hey, guys! This is Haman, a male local teacher of Meten in Jiangning district of Nanjing. It is of great honor to have an introduction for me. I got my bachelors degree in 2009 and in the same year I took my first job working as a tutor in LYCE. Now in retrospect, its been seven years since I got my first salary. LOL. Having many years of teaching experience enables me to get to know about students from all walks of life, which is absolutely amazing! Among the students that Ive taught are college students, white-collar workers, housewives and so on and so forth. And one of the reasons that I persist in teaching English is that I often get inspired by those lovely and diligent students. Their spirit, their hard work, and their desire to get a better life through learning English always motivate me to be totally devoted and whole-hearted in sharing and teaching English. I hope you can achieve your goals and I’ll be there with you! Thanks!



历经十二年 - 专注研发商务英语实战课程(MBG)





范例一:What to dress

Tomorrow will be my first day at work, what do you think I should be wearing?

Well, if you want to look professional, serious and more conservative, a blue dress, white shirt and not-too-high shoes would be the best choice. But sometimes, very formal clothes will keep you at a distance from your colleagues. It depends on the company’s dress code.

Indeed, I found most of the employees dress casually when I went to the interview. Only the manager was in suit and tie and he just came back from a ceremony. It seems that their dress code is not that formal. Probably, I should put on car key and simple shirt.

Whatever you choose, make sure they are neat and clean.

范例二:What to put in my briefcase

Do you think my briefcase is big enough to put in all these stuff?

Let me see. Laptop, flash disk, a ballpoint pen, a pencil, a notebook, a pair of glasses, cell phone, charger, moisture, notion, … Oh, that is too much. You are not going to a business trip.

I guess I need all of them.

Actually, the company will provide you with all of these supplies. So, you can leave this very thick notebook at home.

I know. But it is my lucky charm. I carry it all the time.

Suit yourself. Don’t forget to set the alarm clock.



范例一:What to dress 穿什么衣服

Tomorrow will be my first day at work, what do you think I should be wearing?


Well, if you want to look professional, serious and more conservative, a blue dress, white shirt and not-too-high shoes would be the best choice. But sometimes, very formal clothes will keep you at a distance from your colleagues. It depends on the company’s dress code.


Indeed, I found most of the employees dress casually when I went to the interview. Only the manager was in suit and tie and he just came back from a ceremony. It seems that their dress code is not that formal. Probably, I should put on car key and simple shirt.


Whatever you choose, make sure they are neat and clean.


范例二:What to put in my briefcase 我的公事包里应该放什么

Do you think my briefcase is big enough to put in all these stuff?


Let me see. Laptop, flash disk, a ballpoint pen, a pencil, a notebook, a pair of glasses, cell phone, charger, moisture lotion, … Oh, that is too much. You are not going to a business trip.

让我看看。笔记本电脑,闪存,一致圆珠笔,一支钢笔,一本笔记本,一副眼镜,手机,保湿液,… 噢,太多了。你打算去出差啊。

I guess I need all of them. 我认为所有这些我都需要。

Actually, the company will provide you with all of these supplies. So, you can leave this very thick notebook at home.


I know. But it is my lucky charm. I carry it all the time.


Suit yourself. Don’t forget to set the alarm clock.




南京英语口语培训班   南京英语口语培训   南京美联英语培训





11 : 58 : 41
