

IELTS 9 Test 4 TASK 2 p.102. ** You should spendabout 40 minutes on this task. Write about the followingtopic:


IELTS 9  Test 4 TASK 2 p.102.

** You should spendabout 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the followingtopic:

Every year several languages die out. Some people think that this is not important because life will be easier if there are fewer languages in the world.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Sample Writing

Contributed by@magic30days

Benchmark: 8.5

1. As a matter of fact, English has become the truly global language for quite some time and this trend is being expedited now by the process of globalization, which makes this world more like a village. Basically because of this massive power of integration, people speaking different languages on the earth have never felt closer like today. The interconnection and interdependence between different nations and cultures makes human beings today feel more like living under the same roof.

2. Sadly but inevitably, along with this trend of global integration came the loss of languages, especially those politically or economically disadvantaged ones. However, no matter how pitiful this might sound, maybe it is an unavoidable price that we have to pay, and I strongly agree that its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages.

3. First and foremost, a language disappears basically because of people’s voluntary choice. As usual, when a younger generation loses interest in their own language like Manchurian, that language is about to perish. However sorrowful it may sound, this happened, happens, and will still happen, as we human being evolve as a global community. According to Darwinism, the loss of languages is a natural phenomenon in the course of natural selection, “the survival of the fittest.”

4. Second of all, historically speaking, the differences in languages have caused a lot of conflicts and cultural wars throughout our human history.Since the Babel collapsed, human beings have lived in disparate linguistic tribes, typified by diverse language communities in which humans do not understand each other.The differences existing in languages have separated human beings from each other, one civilization from another, and one tribe from another, leading to parochial tribalism. The great barrier arising from human language differences even drove Dr. Zamenhof ( Polish), to invent an artificial language  –Esperanto—in 1887 to help people of different languages to communicate with each other.

5. With the advent of modern global language, i.e.  English, the barrier between different cultures has been greatly lowered. Realistically speaking, fewer languages mean few problems and much lower cost for communications. Negotiations and conversations have become much easier than any time before. Consequently, cross-cultural interactions have become commonplace, which will effectively reduce the degree of misunderstanding and hostility between different nations with distinct languages.

6. Even within today’s EU, this trend is salient. As predicted, in two decades, more than 50% of the EU population will pick up English as the major language for cross-national dialogues. Apprently, the English is now increasingly becoming the dominant language that bring people together, more for constructive purposes.

7. In a nutshell, admittedly, the loss of a language means the loss of a unique human culture, which is pitiful, but  I still think fewer languages mean a better future in terms of utility. With fewer languages, our living experience on the earth would be much easier. Just imagine how much intimacy we would feel towards each other when we are speaking the same language one day? Same language often means the same identity, which usually unites people instead of alienating them. (550 words).




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