




你需要了解的**件事情就是,SAT 和 ACT 考试从作用上讲,有着显著的相似性。首先这两者都是以多项选择为主要形式的考试,用来测试你是否已经准备好接受大学教育。其次,对于你想要申请的大学来说,他们同时接受并认可SAT和ACT的成绩。而且,任何一所大学都对 SAT 和 ACT 分数一视同仁,并没有对任何一个考试表现出偏好。


我们先来看下SAT考试的特点。SAT是一个依赖语境的测试,这意味着你如果在话题外有很广泛的知识积累,你将在考试中取得更好的成绩。数学部分的测试就是一个很好的例子:SAT考试中,如果有学生不会用一个传统的公式来解出一道题目,他同样可以使用逻辑学或其他的算法解决自己知识储备上的不足。语言部分的测试,则要求学生长期处于一个英语环境中,因为题目通常会比较迂回,关注于一些并不被大家熟知的文学作品,而且经常会包括一些英语语言中很细枝末节的差别。(比如,你曾经试图解释“peppered” 和 “littered” 两个单词的差别吗?)写作的部分则要求学生评价一篇文章,并说明作者使用了哪些修辞手法来有效表达自己的观点,这种时候,如果你了解一些修辞概念,比如文章的气质、标志语、动人的表达法,就能起到很关键的作用。总的来说,长期处于英语文化下,以及拥有很好的批判性思维的学生,可以在SAT考试中更加如鱼得水。




关于SAT和ACT 考试,到底该选择哪个?在总结多年学生指导经验后,PO团队给出的专业建议是什么?敬请期待明天的微信推送,我们将结合真实的学生案例,为大家揭晓SAT和ACT的选择之谜。

The college application process is getting more and more competitive every year; now more than ever, your standardized test score is an important pillar in your entire profile. Before you begin studying for the actual test, however, you first have to decide: which standardized test is better, the SAT or the ACT? The answer is a lot more complicated than you think.

The first thing to remember is that there are distinct similarities between the two. Both are almost entirely multiple-choice exams designed to test your college readiness. Both allow you to choose which scores you would like to send to your hopeful universities. Neither deduct points for incorrect answers. Most importantly, all universities accept both SAT and ACT, and they do not hold preference or merit to either one.

The SAT is a test based on context, which means that an expanded knowledge of outside topics will prove useful. The Math section is a good example of this: if students do not know the traditional formula to find a solution, they can use logic and alternative methods to work around their lack of knowledge. The Verbal section requires a lifetime of exposure to the English language as questions tend to be more roundabout, focus on unfamiliar pieces of literature, and often include nuances in the English language (have you ever tried to explain the difference between “peppered” and “littered?”). The Essay section asks students to examine a passage and explain how the author uses rhetorical devices to construct an effective article—knowledge of concepts such as ethos, logos, and pathos are crucial. Students with a lifetime of exposure to English literature and a strong background in critical thinking will feel more comfortable on the SAT.

The ACT is a test based on formula, which means that outside knowledge will not provide much help. The Math section is less forgiving for students who are unfamiliar with a specific formula or concept, and they will not be able to easily find an alternative route to the solution. Even on the English section, knowledge of strict grammar structures is necessary. The Reading section tests on your ability to recall details; it simply asks students about what happened in the passage rather than analyze it. The ACT Essay asks students to evaluate different perspectives on an issue, then build them into strong arguments with reasons and examples. Students who are able to remember and regurgitate the facts will excel on the ACT.

Much like using your left hand or your right hand, different people will feel comfortable taking different tests. What's the professional advice from Prestige Only consultants? Please looking forward to our WeChat article tomorrow! We will bring you the answers.





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