The so-called soft outfit, namely soft decorate and soft adornment. Is compared with the traditional "hard decorate" form of interior decoration, refers to the building is decorated, designers use those easy change, easy to change the location of the decorations and furniture, such as curtains, cloth, sofa cover, cushion for leaning on, craft tablecloth and decorative arts and crafts, decoration, wrought iron etc, two degrees of indoor furnishings and arrangements. Soft outfit design involves products include: furniture, lamp act the role ofing, curtain, carpet, hang a picture, flower art, jewelry, green plant, etc.

- 精装修房的普及扩大了软装饰市场。由于国家相关部门的鼓励,统一风格的精装房批量生产,追求个性的业主们为了体现自己的风格跟品味,不得不在二次装修(软装)上下功夫,以弥补精装房的先天不足。
- 人均居住面积的改善使"软装设计"不断成为可能。随着人们居住面积的增加,使得家庭装饰品的需求量不断增大;同时,为了追求家居环境的完整性,人们越来越倾向于找专业的设计师设计家中的环境。
- 装修理念的改变和文化品位的提高让"轻装修,重装饰"的理念不断强化。从市场现状来看,软装设计,将成为装饰行业的主流
- 以上因素必将促使"软装"不断壮大,"软硬装"迟早实现分离,软装定制设计必将是未来发展趋势,而"软装设计师"也将脱离"室内设计师"独自成角儿。
