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1. Childhood Ideal Job

Describe an ideal job you wanted to do when you were a child

You should say:

What it was

How you knew this job

What you should learn to get it

and explain why you like it

其实这道热门考题的原形就是ideal job, ideal job这道题是机经题库里的一道常规考题, ideal job在限定词Childhood的包装下重出江湖,其实无非是新瓶装旧酒,答题方式和ideal job一致,只是在表达的过程中,一定要强调这个ideal job是很小的时候就有想法了。下面的例子仅做参考。

When I was very young, I always dreamed of being a tourist guide. Until now, the tourist guide is still my ideal job. Firstly, now my major is the management of the tourism, so I want to get a job related to tourism. Secondly, good guides are knowledgeable and amiable, meanwhile, they have wide vision. Finally, guide can constantly expand his knowledge and understand lots of customs about different cultures and countries. To achieve my dream of being a qualified guide, I have to make sufficient preparations. For one thing, I must learn my specialty well and travel at my spare time, just as the saying goes: “Seeing is believing.” For another, I should enhance my eloquence so that I can express the allusion about the view clearly. What's more important, I should control my mood freely and treat every traveler kindly. Being a good guide is difficult, but I believe if I endeavor to do this things in all hands. I'll be successful sooner or later.(例文改编自网络)

2. Foreign Country

Describe a foreign country you would like to travel to.

You should say:

Which country it is

How you know this country

Who you would like to go with

and explain why you like to travel there.

在去年的时候,city类的题目有所改变,限定词加在了city前面,所以各位考生在答题过程中必须要注意范围,朗阁雅思考试研究中心的专家建议考生们把foreign country这个题目和foreign city进行转换,同学们可以说因为某一个城市,所以想去某个国家。有一道题目a place famous for swimming, 其实是根据去年的一道老题(a place with a lot of water)进行修改的,这道题目同样可以和foreign country进行转化,各位考生可以在备考的时候准备一个国外的城市,而且这个城市靠海,大家在描述这个城市的时候,可以用描述城市的常规答题方式进行答题,并且增加一些对海景的描述,例如:

Maldives, the color of the sea in Maldives is sapphire blue with kind of emerald, which is even blended with a little bit turquois. I am out of words describing how beautiful it is. The water is crystal clear, reflecting the blue sky, white clouds and white sand beneath. When it comes to sunset, you can see millions of sparks which are splashing on the surface of the sea. The rosy sunglow and the sparkling water will make the whole place look amazing. I am not exaggerating the view is as beautiful as a picture.(摘自网络)

3. Small Business

Describe a small business you want to start/ own in the future

You should say:

What it would be

When you would like to start

What you will need to start it

and explain why you like to run this business.

这道题目一眼看上去十分的抽象,但其实各位考生可以把这道题目向自己熟悉的题目进行转换,比如说在地点类题目的备考中,我们曾经准备过restaurant和shopping center之类的题目,各位考生可以直接转化过来说,这就是a small business I want to start/ own in the future, 只是在说的过程中加入一些本话题中tips内容的一个补充。

4. Something Expensive You Want to Buy

Describe something (expensive) you want to buy

You should say:

What it is

How much it costs

How you plan to save for it

and explain why you want to buy this

这是一道典型的物品题,而且算不上是一道新的题目,只是各位考生在准备时一定要注意限定词expensive, 所以这道题可以和之前的一些常考的旧题目进行互相的转换,例如:Electronic equipment, a vehicle you want to buy in future…关于物品题的描述,同学们可以从物品的外形、功能、以及物品和自己之间的小故事这些方面进行描述。

5. A Wedding

Describe a memorable wedding that you attended

You should say:

When it was

Who was there

What you did there

and explain why you think it was successful

在雅思口语考试的机经题库中,以wedding为主题的问题分别出现在了**部分和第二部分,在**部分中,题库中的考题有,what’s the typical chinese wedding like? What do people usually wear in the wedding? … 这些题目相对而言比较简单,在答题中简单展示出中西文化差异即可。但是在第二部分中,很多同学看到wedding这个话题时会觉得很难表达,其实这个话题仅仅是描述一次参加婚礼的经历即可,朗阁雅思考试研究中心的专家建议各位同学拿到话题之后,就马上开始根据wedding这个关键词做brain storming, 在脑海中可能会出现的词:rose petals, lovely balloons, red carpet, wedding candies, bride and groom, exchange the rings, exchange vows…有了这些单词,接下来就是组织语言的工作了,事件题相当于是一篇口述的记叙文,各位考生可以把记叙文的六大要素(when, who, where, beginning, plot, ending)融入进去,并且可以在其中点出自己*难忘的一个场景之类。例如:I think the most romantic part was the time when the newlyweds were taking the wedding vows. The groom said to the bride, “I love three things in the world, the sun, the moon and you, the sun for the day, the moon for the night and you forever.” And the bride said to the groom, “To the world, you might be just one person, but to me, you are my whole world.” Those words touched everybody’s heart. 这个场景中出现的两段话,其实在我们的日常生活中,各类的英语美文中随处可见,朗阁专家建议同学们可以有意识的准备一些类似的小段子,用在自己的口语考试中,为自己加一个亮点。



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