今天,朗阁(Longre)教育 旗下拥有深耕雅思、新托福、新SAT等海外考试语言培训多年的朗阁培训、提供美国考试培训及个性化留美解决方案的智美教育、专注于德法西意等欧系语言定制培训课程的欧风教育、专注日韩语纯正之道的日韩道以及提供雅思托福线上教育的朗阁在线等五大教育品牌,同时,朗阁还经中国教育部批准,拥有正规留学中介资质,实现培训一体化服务。
明天,朗阁(Longre)教育将一如既往地提升自我,提升他人,提升社会价值!不断学习进取,努力创建全球教育品牌,打造国际化教育 !
朗阁目前在上海、北京、广州、南京、成都、无锡、常州、苏州、太仓、南昌、南通、镇江、青岛、济南、杭州、宁波、厦门、福州、重庆、武汉、海口、桂林、大连、银川、南宁、石家庄、徐州、郑州、长春、珠海、沈阳等30 城市拥有60 校区。
更多 [南京玄武区哪家托福培训机构] 资讯、更多优惠活动! 请联系在线客服!!
更多 [南京玄武区哪家托福培训机构] 资讯、更多优惠活动! 请联系在线客服!!
课程简述:该课程适合能阅读中等长度的文章,但无法摸透其辩论性的观点;表达中的语法错误虽少,但表达方式仍较为幼稚;很难听懂中级听力的学生。 教学承诺:词汇量在2000-2500,初三至高一英语程度或同等水平。
更多 [南京玄武区哪家托福培训机构] 资讯、更多优惠活动! 请联系在线客服!!
Welcome to Everglades National Park. The Everglades is a watery plain covered with saw grass thats home to numerous species of plants and wildlife. At one and a half million acres, its too big to see it all today, but this tour will offer you a good sampling. Our tour bus will stop first at Taylor Slough. This is a good place to start because its home to many of the plants and animals typically associated with the Everglades. Youll see many exotic birds and, of course, our world famous alligators. Dont worry, theres a boardwalk that goes across the marsh, so you can look down at the animals in the water from a safe distance. The boardwalk is high enough to give you a great view of the saw grass prairie. From there well head to some other marshy and even jungle like areas that feature wonderful tropical plant life. For those of you whod like a closer view of the saw grass prairie, you might consider renting a canoe sometime during your visit here. However, dont do this unless you have a very good sense of direction and can negotiate your way through tall grass. Wed hate to have to come looking for you. You have the good fortune of being here in the winter—the best time of year to visit. During the spring and summer, the mosquitoes will just about eat you alive! Right now theyre not so bothersome, but youll still want to use an insect repellent.
1. Everglades National Park: 大沼泽地国家公园
2. saw grass: 克拉莎草;加州砖子苗
3. acre: n. [C]a unit for measuring area, equal to 4,047 square metres 英亩
4. sampling: n. items selected at random from a population and used to test hypotheses about the population 取样,抽样,采样
5. exotic: adj. approving seeming unusual and exciting because of being connected with a foreign country 【褒义】异国风情的,外国情调的:exotic birds 外国的奇异鸟类
6. alligator: n. [C]a large animal with a long mouth and sharp teeth that lies in the hot wet parts of the US and China 短吻鳄
7. boardwalk: n. [C]AmE a raised path made of wood, usually built next to the sea【美】(常在海滨)用木板铺成的小道
8. prairie: n. [C]a wide open area of land in North America which is covered in grass or wheat(北美洲的)大草原
9. canoe: n. [C]a long light boat that is pointed at both ends and which you move along using a paddle 独木舟,小划子
10. negotiate: v. <口> 成功**,顺利越过
11. mosquito: n. [C]a small flying insect that sucks the blood of people and animals 蚊子
12. repellent: n. [C,U]a substance that keeps insects away 驱虫剂