外教口语课程,“我”会收获到什么? 无限扩大汇量,日常交流用词、用句准确地道 .熟悉现代语言应用环境,学习一般性职场沟通表达 能谈论广泛领域的话题,能领会母语人士表达要点 自信交流,能够进行清晰、层次分明的高质量输出达 .具备一定程度的跨文化交际的意识 善于捕捉语言背后的生活文化
本科及本科以上学历 英语为母语(来自美国,英国,加拿大,澳洲,新西兰) 有教学经验及商务背景 外籍专家证 Foreign Expert Certificate 有国际认可教师资格证
Loksan 青岛中心外教 喜欢大家叫他“乐山”,毕业于McGill大学,精通国际政治与经济金融;曾于09年到北京大学交换学习,并练得一口流利的中文,当小沃问他为什么来中国的时候,乐山说他喜欢中国,喜欢中国的风土人情,喜欢这里的蓬勃生机。乐山的经历非常丰富,曾在西非担任政治安全顾问,并向政府及国际移民组织(IOM)提供国土安全与移民方面的建设性意见;也曾在卫报、太阳报、BBC等媒体发布过国际政治相关文章与采访;还曾在加拿大蒙特利尔从事过金融咨询师工作……“Originally from England, I studied economics, finance and Chineseat McGill University in Canada. |
Molly 青岛中心外教 特色课程:《Pop Culture》流行文化。来自美国,毕业于美国卡罗拉多州立大学并获哲学学士学位,精通英语与发育,极富爱心与热情.To him that does everything in its proper time,one day is worth three. 预约免费试听外教课程
Adina 青岛中心外教 特色课程:《Current news》时事新闻英语.英国城市规划和设计以及在环境心理学的专业双学位.有强烈的自信总是准备开始从零开始挑战自己.拥有国际TEFL认证,读了4年的中国语言研究。life never stands still: if you don’t advance you recede |
Ksenia 青岛中心外教 特色课程:《Trip Color》。我来自希腊。我在亚洲已有几年了。 我一直认为中国是一个美丽的、未知的、神秘的土地,我很兴奋接近神秘文化。除了教英语,我喜欢头脑和身体锻炼,瑜伽练,旅行和阅读,学习汉语It derives from Greek XENIA and means “stranger”, “foreigner”, or “guest”. Well, I guess that’s all about me! I came from far north of Russia and have being exploring Asia for a few years already. I always considered China to be a beautiful, unknown and mysterious land. |
Sal 青岛中心外教 特色课程:《Smart Choice》。牛津原版图书解析我是一个土生土长的纽约人,一个自豪的美国人,我热衷于环球旅行,以及学习新的文化和乘坐我的船去钓鱼!喜欢跟学生分享我的生活片段。From the city that never sleeps, Sal is a born and raised New York Native. A proud American his passions consist of traveling the world as well as learning about new cultures and fishing off his boat! He enjoys the many interactions and moments he shares with his students and hopes to connect with each and every one of them.
Jonathan 青岛中心外教
特色课程:《Colorful China》.多彩中国。我是学心理学的在中国常年生活热爱这里,我喜欢很多东西阅读,传说中的书呆子。我喜欢和学员友好地谈论许多不同的话题,以帮助提高他们的英语水平。Hi, I'm Jonathan, I've lived in China for a little while and really love it. I studied Psychology and enjoy reading about many things. I like to get my students interested about what I teach and like to have friendly talks about many different topics with them to help improve their English.
Lisa 青岛中心外教 特色课程:《Grammar Ad》高级语法课程。我来自美国,在青岛住了一年半了,我在这里感觉跟家里一样。 我的兴趣是旅行、心理学、语言习得、食品、游泳、唱歌。我期待着见到你们!I’m Lisa and I’m from the States. I could tell you which city I’m from, but I think it’s more fun to have you guess. ;-) I have lived in Qingdao for a year and a half now and I never could have guessed I would feel so at home here. Some of my interests are travel, psychology, foreign language acquisition, food, swimming, and singing. I look forward to meeting you. J
Hame 青岛中心外教 墨尔本大学语言学专业,成绩优秀。在校期间积极活跃于模拟联合国等英语外事活动。曾任美中贸易发展协会高级翻译以及会长古德曼中国随行翻译,知名企业中外会议翻译。Learning English is the best in the WORLD.l‘m Hame, who, for you, will always be there.
Ben 青岛中心外教 威尔士大学语言文学翻译理论专业,成绩优秀。多次担任博览会陪同口译和会议口译,曾担任亚羽赛陪同翻译。Hello, my Ben is Luna and my hometown is Jining. I am from ECNU. Being a tutor here makes me feel fulfilled. I am lucky to be a member of World. I would like to ignite the woods instead of trimming the trees. I really expect the sparks of English-learning with you guys. I look forward to making progresses with you.
Todd 青岛中心中教 特色课程:《IELTS Speaking》雅思口语.毕业于澳洲国立大学,澳大利亚国立大学商业管理硕士。多年从事雅思教学有着丰富的雅思教学经验在岛城雅思老师中首屈一指,擅长雅思口语和听力。:Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
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