美联英语 · 为学员量身定制专属英语提高方案
· 为学员量身定制学习计划
· 注重发音、词汇、句型及语法的学习
· 着重提高口语交流技能
· 专为“一对一”课堂设计的教材
· 多种课程模块,自主选择所学内容
· 课程设置出发点明确
· 个性化互动环节众多
· 重点提升口语表达能力
· 侧重口语技能和准确度的训练
· 全面提升听、说、读、写能力
· 全球认证师资,水平与颜值并存
· 多种课程类别,满足多样化需求
· 众多讨论话题,开放式学习更**
· 五星学习环境 ,豪华舒适尽情享
Megan 张杨阳
教学风格: 生动有趣,师生互动
善于提升: 口语发音,商务英语
Hello, Im Megan, the study advisor at Meten. I have been working here for about 4 years. I really enjoy working here. I hope every student could improve their English ability and make more friends here. Once you start, theres nothing you cannot obtain.
Miko 席敏秋
教学风格: 生动形象,活泼有趣,具有针对性
善于提升: 学习方法,口语交际能力,逻辑思维
Nice to meet you, my name is Miko. I am from Nanjing. I am fond of traveling, because I can broaden my eyesight and get familiar with people from various fields during my tours. I hope I can deliver knowledge in an interesting way, so you don’t need to feel nervous or shy in my classes. Hope you can have good memories at Meten!
· 以口语讲授为主
· 围绕工作中的各种场景展开
· 角色扮演,互换角色演练
· 技能与职场礼仪相结合
· 跨国文化交际能力培养
时尚英语必备 10 Black and White
All colors are special, but there are something about black and white. And I am talking about the combination here that has real power.
Black and white make people focus, they say that most people dream in black and white, I wonder why that is. My theory is that the details of the dream, for example, what color someone’s socks are, while those details are not as important as the meaning of the dream, but I am no expert.
But back to “black and white”, do you like black and white photography? I started to get into black and white photography when I was in the eighth grade. I would spend hours in the darkroom developing pictures that I shot, so I fell in love with black and white before high school.
I can go on and on about white or black by themselves, but the combination of the two, whether in newspapers, films, or United States police cars, well, it seems like the individual colors become more powerful when used together. I guess that is the truth of all colors. Colors have their own meanings when they are alone, but put them together and their meanings might change completely.
Talk about it:
What comes to your mind when you hear black or white or the powerful combination “black and white”? What are some things that are black and white? Do you know any idioms that use the word “black and white”? What do you think of black and white photographs? Do you prefer them or color photographs? Have you ever watched a black and white movie or TV program? Some people are said to be color-blind, what do you think this means? How would it affect you if you suddenly lost the ability to see colors? What are some color combinations that you like?